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The Black Line Between Sales & Marketing

The Black Line Between Sales & Marketing - think of it as sports radio for salespeople, marketers, and demand generators.

Posts about

Data (2)

Episode 52: Analytics & Attribution - Solving the Impact Question Once and For All

How many of us hide the truth about what we're doing, hoping those things don't end up coming out? Everyone. Mike and Doug discuss one of their favorite subjects in this episode - metrics, data, and analytics.

Episode 51: Interview with Kyle Jepson - Navigating Sales Organization Transformation

How do you always manage to take a boring topic and turn it into something interesting? Ignorance....

Episode 45: Have Data-Driven Mindsets Jumped The Shark: Using Data Effectively

Would you know how to respond to this: why are the metrics you care about so important to you? Mike...

Episode 41: Inbound 2019 - What Businesses Need to Change

What we have to start doing is stop trying to play someone else's game better. We have to start...

Episode 39: Addressing A Major Flaw With Today's Metrics: Micrometrics

The metrics we use suck, and measuring emails individually isn't what we should be focusing on. In...

Episode 38: Team Human vs. Team Technology - Where AI is Leading Us

Just because we can do it, does that mean we should? Doug and Mike explore the topic of AI, the gap...

Episode 35: Forecasting and the Null Hypothesis

If you could choose between one of the two options - you can have a higher open rate and click rate...

Episode 29: Does Traffic Matter?

For better or worse, marketers are obsessed with numbers. What's one of the biggest metrics they're...