Video is just a fad right? No, no, no! Video has been around forever, but more recently it's become a way for us to share our ideas and learn more easily. In today's episode we welcome Tyler Lessard, VP of Marketing for Vidyard, to discuss all aspects of video from how to use it in your processes to the mistakes people are making with video.
Video is everywhere and everyone is consuming it in their personal lives. More recently people have been incorporating it into how they communicate in their business. Businesses are starting to create more video content than before, yet we're still in the early stages of using it effectively in our teams. And when it comes to adopting video, right now a lot of businesses are seeing it as their YouTube channel, another social account, or a way to advertise. They're putting video in a box rather than unlocking it as a medium to educate people and get their message across through a strategy.
Some mistakes Tyler is still seeing with video include:
Tyler goes on to explain that he would rather have their cameras on in a call to be able to see the person and their body language, but Doug disagrees from a sales perspective. Video is an intense and scary medium for most people, so if they're more comfortable being off screen, they're more likely to talk more to the salesperson. After going back and forth on this topic (which you should listen or watch above), Tyler ends up in Doug's camp agreeing that although he prefers people to have their video on, he agrees that it can create a better environment for those that don't enjoy being on camera if they stay off.
If you're doing video now and want to ramp up your game, the single piece of advice Tyler suggests is to focus on how video can help your sales team and sales process. If you're a marketer, think about how you can be using video to help the sales team. As them, "If I could create 3-5 videos to help you, what would those entail?"
Thank you Tyler for joining us on this episode. If you'd like to get in touch with Tyler, you can find him on LinkedIn. If you'd like to get more information on video, you can access the resource page or blog on Vidyard. And lastly, if you're looking for a place to host and distribute your video or record and send custom videos, Vidyard is the place to go. We highly recommend them for all things video as you can see in our product review.