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Trends (3)

Overcoming Your Biggest Barrier to Generating New Business Opportunities: Prospect Problem Blindness

When the invite from Toyota came in, Ford’s senior executive team was skeptical. We invite you to visit our newest manufacturing plant. Send your top engineers and bring all your questions. We’re anxious to share our methods. When the engineers came back from their visit, they confirmed the skepticism. “It wasn’t a real auto manufacturing facility,” the plant engineers explained. “Sure they had chassis and tools, and people, but spare parts and components were virtually nonexistent. The...

7 Tips to Having an Effective Remote Work Experience

Editor’s Note: As the world of business continues to evolve at an increasingly rapid pace, one...

Why We're Leaving Facebook

When I started Imagine more than 15 years ago, I had four principles that I used to define what...

What Inbound17 Means for the Future of Sales and Marketing

This post also appeared on LinkedIn What a week! I think I'm still recovering from, yet another,...

3 Things B2B Marketers Can Learn from Pokemon Go

So on Sunday, my son asked me to take him to a park that he hasn’t been to since he went there on a...