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Performance (8)

20 Tips to Crush 2020

Over the holiday break, Mike Weinberg, author of New Sales. Simplified., Sales Management. Simplified., and Sales Truth, shared 20 tips for salespeople to crush 2020. (You should read his tips whether you’re in sales or not.) Mike was his usual: blunt, humorous and completely on-point. His third tip that there are only three verbs in sales (create, advance and close) is more valuable than most sales training programs I’ve ever attended. (I’d expand this tip to demand generation and marketing as...

2 Simple Things To Do To Dramatically Increase Your Sales Forecasting Accuracy

Quiz Time! Here are two outcomes: An opportunity in the sales pipeline was at an 80% probability...

Why Your CRM Implementation Initiative Is Failing

Last week, I was talking with a colleague and he was telling me about yet another bungled CRM...

The 3 Jobs Content Must Perform + Your Guide to Giving Your Content A Performance Review

I had the entire client services team together this week for two days. (Check out the awesome...

Creating A High-Impact Outbound Scoreboard

If you know me at all, you know that I’m a very competitive person (some have said too competitive,...

The Accountability Game: Creating Clarity & Alignment In Your Business

I regularly write about a variety of growth-focused strategies, systems, and skills. Yet, while...

5 Popular Sales Metrics That Destroy Sales Performance

Editor's Note: This post originally appeared on the HubSpot Sales Blog In 1997, Billy Beane became...

The Three Horizons: An Approach for SMB's to Transform Innovation Into A Competitive Advantage

The following is an excerpt from The Secret to Strong Revenue Growth, Part 2 What grade would you...

The Critical Role of Intent in Demand Generation, Sales and Marketing

We've been doing a lot of research over the last year into a critical part of the buying process...

What it Means to be Data-Driven, How It’s Different from Metrics & How to Apply it

My daughter is entering her senior year in high school. I have to admit that there are times where...