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Performance (12)

What Game Do You Want To Win?

Where Did The Risk-Taking Go?

For the first time in my life, I’m actually concerned about the future competitiveness of America....

The Cause For Success

I've always said that I'd rather be lucky than good. Of course, what I'd really like to be is both...

Are You Excited?!

On the advice of a client, I've started reading Peter Schutz's The Driving Force: Getting...

The Only Thing Worse Than No Social Media Presence

I don’t spend much time pontificating on social media. I leave that to people like Gini Dietrich...

Risking Mediocrity

I'm the guest blogger today on Find Your Nerve, a blog created by Steve McKee.

In Pursuit of The Home Run

We all want to be Babe Ruth (at least a little), who despite no longer holding the home run record,...

What League Are You Playing In?

As I was watching football this weekend, I saw an ad for Direct TV's LeaguePass package. In it, Ray...

Yesterday's Strategies Do Not Equal Tomorrow's Success

I met with the CEO of a small company in the Southeast recently who is really doing some...

Is It Time To Say Goodbye

Growth is disruptive. It requires change - all the time. There is nowhere that this is more true,...