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Posts about

CRM Implementation

The Illusion of Change Management in Modern CRM Implementation: Why Traditional Approaches Fail

As a leader driving growth, you've likely encountered the term "change management" countless times, particularly around CRM implementations. But here's a provocative question: Is change management, as traditionally conceived, still relevant? More importantly, could our focus on "managing change" actually be impeding the very transformation we seek to achieve?

The Real Cost of Poor CRM Adoption

The typical company with 20 or more salespeople spends between $5,000 and $10,000 per year per...

6 Ways to Keep Your CRM Implementation On Track

Houston, we have a problem. A recent Bain & Company survey revealed that 62% of B2B companies...

Mastering CRM: Moving From Adoption to Utilization

If you want your CRM to drive performance and revenue improvement, your focus shouldn’t be on...