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B2B Sales Strategy (70)

A Brief Explanation Why Traditional Sales Systems No Longer Work

Colorful new brochures, catchy new advertising, Blackberrys for the salespeople -- do any of these actually create value? Value creation is among the most common buzzwords used in business today. There is only one definition of value to use in business: something someone is willing to pay for. Your company can create great things, but if people aren't willing to pay for what your company creates, they give no added value. The only way to avoid or escape commoditization is to deliver more of...

Welcome To Imagine Sales Consulting's Blog - Providing Knowledge for Fast-Growth Companies

Growth is the business imperative of the 21st century. Cover stories on magazines as diverse as The...

Commoditization - The Enemy of Fast-Growth

"A commodity is any good, service, or process that can be produced by any number of firms, and the...