While I do not wish to diminish the issues that still must be dealt with, virtually all of my indicators and research indicate that we have clearly entered a recovery phase. This is backed by economic data and a tremendous amount of anecdotal data (including that this January has been the busiest in our history).
The winning businesses of tomorrow must understand the immortal words of hockey legend, Wayne Gretzky - You must skate to where to the puck is going to be, not to where the puck is now.
While true recoveries (and this is the first one we've experienced since 1982) represent tremendous opportunity, they also represent significant danger for businesses that are not prepared. Companies planning on growing must understand the advantages and dangers that recoveries represent. And I'm sharing those observations with anyone who wants them.
I've just published my first eBook (it's short - I promise): Successfully Growing In A Recovery: How Recoveries Can Be More Dangerous Than Recessions & 20 Questions To Ensure Your Success. In this eBook, I share:
PS: Even is you don't believe that we're in a recovery, the advice in this book will help you grow profitably as well.