Making Sales Growth Predictable, Sustainable & Scalable

The Carnival of Marketing for May 7

Written by Doug Davidoff | May 8, 2006 3:43:56 PM

There’s a lot of great stuff on the web to help anyone who is attempting to accelerate the growth of their business. Here, at The Fast Growth Blog(tm), we are attempting to lead the way in developing a new roadmap for what I now call – The Wisdom Age. It is with that lense that I recommend you check out the following 7 links for this week’s Carnival of Marketing.

1. Becky McCray addresses the challenges and the opportunities that exist in determining how to name what it is you do, in How to choose a business name. Becky accurately addresses the importance that a name has before the sales process even begins.

2. Jack Yoest reminds us that merely because an idea was created in the industrial age doesn’t mean that it’s a bad idea. In Selling the Great Wall of China Jack reminds us that it is the emotional experience above all else that drives decisions.

3. Virgnia Miracle joins Brains on Fire’s powerful blogging crew reminding us that in today’s world authenticity and consistency are critical. Being Yourself Offline and Online is a terrific reminder that everything matters.

4. Eric Mattson brings one of his 1,000 podcast interviews with ‘rapid prototyping’ aficionado Jason Fried. Marketing Monger’s interview is very interesting for those looking to really add value for your clients.

5. John Moore once again gives great insight into one of the great growth companies of all time – Starbucks. Lessons Learned From Howard Schultz is a must read for any company looking to succeed in The Wisdom Age.

6. Garr Reynolds reminds us all that everything you need to know about growing a business was taught in Jazz. Don’t miss this one.

7. Finally, my favorite blogger, Spike Jones reviews an important lesson for anybody trying to build a business on the frontier. Fight Club should be printed and passed out to everyone in your company.

I wish I had room for more. These 7 should keep you busy. Feel free to let me know what you think. Next week the carnival goes to Spare Change, so e-mail your posts to weinreich at