Instead, start with “who.”
The most powerful question every business executive can ask, every day, is "Who do we want to be a hero to?"
In my experience, the biggest mistake made by businesses and salespeople is they approach their market too broadly. In an effort to be opportunistic, we actually reduce the impact of our message and our efforts.
Think of it this way. If you were to go bowling, how many pins would you aim at in your effort to get a strike? The answer is 1½. You’d focus on the headpin and the outer portion of either the 2 or 3 pin. Your ability to hit the headpin directly allows momentum to knock the other pins down.
Defining your “who” is the same idea. Describe your headpin market. Here are the three most important things to know when defining your headpin:
The more clearly you answer these questions, the easier it will be to stand out and access the decision makers you desire.