Making Sales Growth Predictable, Sustainable & Scalable

Pardon Our Dust While We Complete Our Move

Written by Doug Davidoff | Nov 2, 2008 11:06:38 PM

For those loyal readers, you may notice that the scenery has changed.  For all new readers welcome.

After three years of blogging, we've moved to WordPress which we believe provides a better platform to support the community we are attempting to build.  As with the businesses we consult with, we advise them not to let perfection get in the way of progress.

Moving a blog is difficult - with a significant probability you will lose some audience as the RSS feed doesn't follow.  To that end, we want to get back to blogging on our new platform, with our preliminary new website design.  It's not perfect, but it's home.

Over the next few weeks, you'll see our archive build back up, and the site become fully live.  You'll find plenty of opportunities above and beyond this blog to support your efforts to grow.  As always, your comments are welcome.