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The Demand Creator Blog

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Growth Barrier 1: Bypassing Your Competition

Several years ago, I created a tool to identify how well a company is positioned to successfully identify, capture, manage, and absorb profitable growth opportunities. I called this tool The Growth Barriers Diagnostic™

Leaning Forward

For those that don’t know me well, I’m actively involved in coaching my 12-year-old son’s baseball...

The Only Research That Works

I got an email today from a marketing consultant cautioning everyone to be careful not use customer...

Managing Ambiguity In Sales

Wouldn't it be nice if we could go into a sales situation clearly knowing who is going to make the...

The #1 Sales Killer

Wouldn't it be great if the first thing a potential customer said to you was that they were in the...

The Shift: What Do You Sell

I have a simple question for you: What do you sell? But wait. Before you answer it, realize that...

The Intrinsic Value of Salespeople

Salespeople are often maligned, with quick associations to schiesters, peddlers, and a number of...

Getting What You're Worth

It occurred to me yesterday that I’ve been writing a lot about the dangers of letting price...

Growth For The Fast Growth Blog

Wow! It's hard to believe that we're already into the second quarter. The first quarter was crazy...

When Free Isn't Sustainable

There’s an interesting post on my friend Gini Dietrich’s blog, SPIN Sucks. I found it and one of...