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10,000 Times

I’ve been fascinated with the feedback I’ve gotten from my post last Thursday, “In Pursuit of the ‘Ah-ha!’” The opening quote has received the most attention, and as I was talking about it with a friend and client of mine, I gained an insight that I’d like to share.

Go Deep & Shorten The Sales Cycle

The importance of asking questions in selling is, well, unquestionable. Much (some may say too...

In Pursuit of the Ah-ha!

Don’t fear the man who has tried 10,000 kicks, Fear the man who has tried 1 kick 10,000 times. –...

Commoditization Is Still The Enemy

I was talking with my friend, advisor and client - Gini Dietrich, and it hit me that I've been...

CEO & Small Biz Confidence Don't Align

The Conference Board recently released its Measure of CEO Confidence. Taken between mid-May and...

Do You Have Competition?

Let me be clear:

Asking The Obvious

Let me share what, in hindsight, is an obvious lesson. People work to solve their problems with or...

How To Tell If You're Focused on the Problem

If I had but one wish I could grant to anyone selling, it would be the ability to recognize whether...

If You Want to Own a Job, Listen to Coultier

A friend of mine pointed me to an article in Entreprenuer Magazine by business consultant and...

Dealing With Crazy-Busy Buyers

This book review originally appeared in Baltimore and Washington SmartCEO Magazine July 2010 issue.