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The Demand Creator Blog

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Giving Value to Gain Sales

I've been spending a lot of time working with clients to build out diagnostic systems to create value and create demand. I recently referred one of my clients to a blog post I wrote almost 5 years ago. I thought it was valuable enough to share again. My experience working with fast-growth companies has taught me that there are three levels of value that a company can provide: Level one occurs when you provide people with the knowledge of ‘what’ needs to be done.

Pricing & Safety

A very common challenge for salespeople occurs when a prospect starts asking pricing questions too...

The Role of Faith

No, this post is not about religion (at least in the formal definition). I had a fascinating week...

It's Never Too Late

I was speaking to a great group of CEOs in Eau Claire today. Two-thirds through my presentation,...

Don't Be A Pigeon (Why Selling Is Dead)

Traditional selling techniques are no longer effective in the twenty-first century. A study...

The Most Important Power in Business

Last week I took Warren Buffet to task for his ill-conceived philosophy on making mistakes. Today,...

Go Ahead - Make Some Mistakes

Regular reader of this blog know that I'm a fan of mistakes. I've shared my mistakes, I've used the...

Build It...They Will Come

The 1989 movie Field of Dreams is, in fact, the daydream of every marketer. The line made famous in...

Avoiding A Damaging Sales Mistake (Part 2)

In yesterday's post I shared a critical designation, and strategic sales decision, that must be...

Avoiding a Damaging Sales Mistake (Part 1)

In 2004, I wrote about the need to align your sales proposition with the value definition of your...