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The Demand Creator Blog

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Branding Is Crap!

There, I finally said it. Branding is crap! Sure, it might be fine, even important, if you're Coca-Cola, Starbucks, Proctor and Gamble, etc. While I’m at it, the whole idea of Top of Mind Awareness (TOPA) is crap too! Maybe if your competing for the 2 second purchase decision of what laundry detergent you’re going to use then all that stuff matters. But – and this is a big but – if you're a small or mid-market company selling products or services to other businesses (large or small) stop...

It's Not A Salespeople Problem

With increased frequency I'm getting requests from owners, CEOs and VP's asking for recommendations...

It's Not About You

I've got bad news for some of the entrepreneurs out there. Success in business is not about you....

Goodbye Flip & A Thought on Focus

Today, Cisco announced that it was closing down it's FLIP camera unit. Cisco bought the company in...

Avoiding The Biggest Sales Mistake

The biggest sales mistake B2B salesforces make is focusing on process when they should be selling...

What's Your Plan B?

If I've been reminded of one thing this year, it's the predicting the future is a bad business....

The Design of Message

Great design is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to...

No Shortcuts

As much as I would like to tell you about a short cut to resonating with your customers and...

Sales Command

To be honest, successful selling requires a degree of, for lack of a better word, arrogance. You...

People Don’t Buy What You Do…

“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” – Simon Sinek These of some of the wisest...