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Stop Letting Your Salespeople Down

The days of sending your salespeople into the field (or allowing them to wait for prospects to come to them) armed with product brochures, company glossies and boring PowerPoint presentations and expecting them to "dig deep," "discover," engage and close are over! Today's world is too tough and too competitive, you're customers are too time-pressed and overwhelmed with other issues, and your salespeople must deal with unprecedented complexity. Your organization can longer leave it to each...

They're Not Ready

The single biggest, most common, and most expensive mistake made by salespeople occurs when they go...

What .1% Performance Looks Like

I'm a fan of top performers. I love learning about them, figuring out what makes them tick and...

Creating Business Equity Value

It's the dream of many entrepreneurs. Coming up with that big idea, starting a business, growing it...

I Hate Losing

As many readers know, I coach college baseball. Last week the coaching staff got together because...

Business Acumen Drives Results

This book review originally appeared in Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia SmartCEO Magazine....

The Sales Cycle

This week we begin a new focus for The Weekly Fast Growth Tip: shortening the sales cycle time....

Is It Too Late To Save BlackBerry?

In January 2010, I wrote a blog post asking if BlackBerry was a dead product walking. In the post I...

Effortless Results

Yesterday I was working with one of the players on our college baseball team in the batting cage....

Taking Away The Myths of Content

Anyone who's a reader of this blog knows that I'm a radical believer in the importance of content....