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The Demand Creator Blog

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Solving The Seller's Paradox

As I shared in my post last Monday: Stop Selling! If you’re selling you’re doing something wrong. Whenever I share this insight, it’s always greeted with agreement…and frustration. People shrug their shoulders and ask, “I get that I shouldn’t do this, but what should I do?”

The Seller's Paradox

When I conduct sales training for executives and sales teams, I typically finish with the valuable...

The Problem With Goals

I’m a big fan of quotes, and I’ve got a love/hate relationship with goals. So the two collided when...

Uncovering The Real Power of Brand

As I’ve written before, “Brand” and “Branding” are words tossed around in a variety of ways. For...

So, What Are You Going To Do With 2013?

Welcome to 2013! Now, what are you going to do with it? As the famous quote says, time is the great...

Coffee Is For Provokers

One of my favorite movies is Glengary Glenn Ross (based on David Mamet’s play). In it, the most...

How To Stop Overcoming Objections & Double Your Results

Walk into any bookstore, or read any sales oriented magazine and you'll see the primary focus on...

Why Your Forecasts Are Always Wrong (Find & Eliminate the False Positives)

The underlying system of sales is designed for failure. This is supported by the way companies...

Simon Sinek Is Wrong!

I'm a big fan of Simon Sinek's concept, Start with Why. I even shared his TEDx presentation on this...

The Pull of Commoditization: Good news & bad news

The bad news first: Gravity is against you. The gravitational pull of commoditization is constantly...