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The Demand Creator Blog

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CRASH COURSE 4: Being Social & Going Mobile

There is a clear line of demarcation in the world of mass-communication, and odds are, you are on one side of it or the other. Do you Tweet? Do you Pin? Have you ever posted a video on Vine? Perhaps not. But surely you are on Facebook and LinkedIn. If not, your business may be mired in the old-world marketing practices of the 20th Century. And yes, it is the 21st Century—it has been for 14 years now. And as much as those social media obsessions of your children may annoy you, successful B2B...

3 Ways Salespeople Can Use Content to Close Sales Faster

“Why pound a nail into a board with a hammer when you’ve got a perfectly good fist?” The scenario...

The Unprocess Process

"If you only do things where you know the answer in advance, your company goes away." - Jeff Bezos...

To Close More Sales There Are 5 Reasons You Shouldn't Listen to Your Customer

"It's not the customer's job to know what they want." - Steve Jobs Common business wisdom dictates...

If You Want to Shorten Your Sales Cycle, Slow It Down

After witnessing thousands of sales calls, and advising clients on thousands more, I can...

When It Comes to B2B Lead Generation Time Matters...A Lot

When you’ve got prospects on(the)line, seconds count “Time is of the essence.” That poetic...

CRASH COURSE 3: Generating & Nurturing B2B Leads

White Papers/Case Studies/Research/eBooks Looking to brand your company as an authority in your...

Understanding Your Customer's DNA to Create Your Competitive Advantage

Stop for a moment and think about all of the things you do to stand out, and separate your products...

10 Time Management Tips for Focusing on B2B Leads

Scaling growth... by maximizing the impact of time. Yesterday, we offered some advice on how to...

The Clock Is Ticking: 7 Tips For Making Your B2B Sales Goals A Reality In 2014

It’s a New Year… but the clock is already ticking! It’s January 2; have you closed that first Big...