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The Demand Creator Blog

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How Do You Get A HiPPO to Listen to Your B2B Content Marketing Ideas?

While a significant percentage of you, our Demand Creator Blog’s audience, might be responsible for implementing the ideas and strategies shared here in order to help your organization reach its sales growth goals, many of you don’t always have the authority to decide when it’s time to implement new strategies or choose, in general, what’s actually done in order to reach those goals. Salespeople, marketers, and business professionals of all ages, with all different levels of experience and...

Winning The B2B Sale In The Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT)

If you don’t have a ton of quality, timely content, aligned with your message and geared to your...

10 Years For Imagine: 10 Lessons For Sales Growth

I remember it like it was yesterday. January 28, 2004. Sitting my manager’s office at Merrill...

Why Metcalfe’s Law Can Destroy Your Business Growth

“Businesses don’t fail because of starvation. They fail because of indigestion.” - Peter Drucker I...

The Secret To A Successful Email Drip Campaign

Get your emails read and generate more leads by making the content compelling and valuable. You’ve...

The 10 Commandments of Content for B2B Sales Success

Rules were made to be broken, but these 10 are the key to your B2B sales and marketing success....

Accelerate The Sales Cycle By Creating The Epiphany

Leading new customers to that “a-ha” moment There’s a moment in a customer’s typical buying cycle...

Sneak Peak: The Secret To Standing Out In The B2B Sales Crowd

In a copy-cat world, full of products and services that sound and feel like each other, how do you...

Turning Content into Social Media Updates To Increase Lead Generation

Re-purpose your resources, reach out and reap additional rewards We trust that content marketing...

To Close More B2B Sales...Stop Closing

Navigating the new “seller beware” world One of those “touchy-feely” expressions that emerged in...