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The Demand Creator Blog

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Power Your Content Marketing With These 9 Tips

If you’re revisiting this blog, you already know just how important the ongoing creation of content is to implement a predictable sales growth system, multiply lead generation and increase your win rate. Of course, Imagine is in the content marketing business so it’s easy to write off our ability to create good content quickly. The reality is that Imagine didn’t start off in the content marketing business. Frankly, I would have never predicted we’d be creating content for other companies when I...

Using Buyer Personas to Drive Faster Growth

I've got news for you...your opinions are costing you millions. Let’s start with a very basic...

Understanding The B2B Lead Generation Model

I write a lot about lead generation on this blog. The reason for this is that you can’t have...

The Secret to Creating Predictable, Sustainable, Scalable Revenue Growth

Oh the promise of training. It is so tantalizing. We’ll put a group of people into a classroom,...

How to Know If You’re Hiring The Right B2B Sales Person

I’ve interviewed a lot of salespeople in my life. I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say many...

The Maniacal Focus on Differentiating Is Killing Your B2B Lead Generation

It’s the holy grail of business. Numerous books have been written on the subject. Owners and...

Why Role Models Don’t Work In B2B Sales

I still remember my first, real sales job. I got to work, excited about the opportunity to make an...

Integrate Mobile to Accelerate Your B2B Lead Generation

We live in a mobile world. It's been estimated that in 2014, mobile web browsing will, in fact,...

10 Ways To Beat The Dreaded Creativity Block

So you’re taking the necessary steps to create killer content and you’re finally starting to...

Rethinking The B2B Sales Force

From the time I graduated college (in 1989), I’ve consistently heard claims that the traditional...