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The Demand Creator Blog

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3 Important Questions to Ask Early In The B2B Sales Process

Several years ago I shared my thoughts on a crucial distinction in the B2B sales process. Simply, are you making a freedom sale or a capability sale? In a freedom sale, you’re providing a solution that your customer already has in place. In essence, your solution frees your customer from having to worry about the issue. The fundamental proposition in a freedom sale is that you’re going to be able provide the solution better, faster and cheaper than how it is currently being handled. A...

5 Reasons You Want An Introvert In Your B2B Sales Position

I was talking with a referral partner yesterday who wanted to introduce me to one of his clients....

So Your Company Royally Screwed Up On Social Media… What Now?

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard today’s flight. I’d like to direct your attention to the...

5 Reasons We Partner With HubSpot for Inbound Marketing

Last week, three of us from the team here at Imagine had the pleasure of spending two days with our...

Why Sales Training Fails…And What To Do About It

I’ve been doing some joint work with someone whose experience is not from the sales side. We were...

5 Reasons Social Media Is A Must for SME CEOs

On May 1, 2009, I made a call that blogging was an absolute must for any desiring predictable,...

3 Trends That Are Harming Your Win Rate

Next week I’m speaking to a CEO Group in Wisconsin. The leader of the group sent me the question...

3 Reasons Why Your Website Is Killing Your B2B Lead Generation

Consider these numbers (source: HubSpot Academy): 71-89% of website visitors are looking for...

Content Creation vs Curation: Which Is Better For B2B Lead Generation?

Content marketing can be difficult for any B2B sales organization. A lot of time and effort must be...

Why Automation Is So Damn Hard: 5 Rules to Make It Work

A few years ago, I had a couple of employees who would regularly come into my office, telling me...