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Why B2B Marketers Should Consider Using Google+

Social media is a key component of any inbound marketing strategy. Knowing and understanding your buyer personas will help you decide which platforms you should be using. One of the platforms every B2B business should consider is Google+. While many B2B marketers have found LinkedIn and Twitter to be where they get the best ROI for their social media efforts, Google+ can also help drive engagement with your prospects.

5 Keys to Maximizing The ROI of Content Marketing

A couple of months ago, I shared some powerful findings from the 2015 B2B Content Marketing...

Eliminating 5 Misperceptions About B2B Lead Generation

Lead generation is a crucial component of any go-to-market strategy. Often an afterthought, it is...

Using LinkedIn to Promote Inbound Marketing Content

Social media is a difficult thing for many small-mid market B2B companies. As popular as social...

3 Reasons B2B Salespeople Fail

In 2011, Harvard Business Review released a study on sales performance finding, among other things,...

The Changing Nature of B2B Marketing

May you live in interesting times. No role is undergoing as much change as the marketing role in...

Attracting the RIGHT Website Traffic for Lead Generation

It’s time for the monthly sales and marketing meeting…you know the one…all attendees give an update...

Five Hacks to Make Content Marketing Easier

As I shared in my recent post, this week I had the opportunity to sit on a panel for a marketing...

How To Roll Out Inbound Marketing With A Sales Team

I had the opportunity to serve on a customer panel at a marketing event for HubSpot yesterday. It...

How to Use Hashtags to Improve Inbound Marketing

For many small and mid-market B2B organizations, social media is still a bit of a mystery. Many...