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The Demand Creator Blog

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What Bach, Beethoven, Bruce Springsteen and Eminem Learned That Can Help Any CEO

I just attended a conference where Boris Brott, one of Canada’s most famous symphony conductors was a keynote speaker. In his speech he noted that in the history of music there are only 12 notes. He also noted that most musical compositions only use 5.

Why Dell, IBM and Intel are Able to Sustain Growth, pt 2

My salespeople are too creative.

Why Dell, IBM and Intel Are Able to Sustain Growth

Stop relying on genius to fill your sales team. In my work with growth companies, I am constantly...

How to Get Your Customers To Be Willing to Pay For A Sales Call – Part 2

The second opportunity for salespeople to create value is what we call The Design Phase. In The...

The 80/20 Rule Can Kill Your Business!

Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian economist in the early 20th century created a mathematical formula to...

Making Your Sales Process Your Competitive Advantage

Businesses must change their focus. The sales force must create value. Salespeople can no longer...

How to Get Your Customers To Be Willing to Pay For a Sales Call - Part 1

Our study of best practice value creation demonstrates that there are three opportunities when your...

A Brief Explanation Why Traditional Sales Systems No Longer Work

Colorful new brochures, catchy new advertising, Blackberrys for the salespeople -- do any of these...

Welcome To Imagine Sales Consulting's Blog - Providing Knowledge for Fast-Growth Companies

Growth is the business imperative of the 21st century. Cover stories on magazines as diverse as The...

Commoditization - The Enemy of Fast-Growth

"A commodity is any good, service, or process that can be produced by any number of firms, and the...