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The Demand Creator Blog

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If you don’t yet believe that traditional approaches to advertising and growth are dead, I encourage you to check out this blog post from Skip Jones’ Brains on Fire blog.

Carnival of Marketing

Noah Kagan’s creation, The Carnival of Marketing, is in its fourth week. It's a great way to get...

December Issue Of Harvard Business Review Tops Our Holiday Reading List with Articles On Strategy And Marketing

The December 2005 issue of Harvard Business Review is a must read for any executive or entrepreneur...

Don’t Be Tempted To Trade Customer Satisfaction

I just got back from a business trip in Toronto. Monday night I had the privilege of meeting with a...

What Sony Knows (And Has Apparently Forgotten) About Driving Growth

No focus group ever told Sony it needed to create a small rectangular piece of plastic that people...

What Is Strategy?

For those of you that don’t know me, I read a lot of books. What’s a lot? In a slow year I’ll read...

Why People Don’t Pay Attention to the Price of a Room at The Four Seasons

Be a ‘Purple Cow.’ Pursue the ‘Wow’. Make it ‘priceless.’

The "Freakanomics" of Growth

Every now and then, a book that focuses on non-business issues tells us more about running an...

Beware The Danger Of “WE”

“Our main consulting strategy is to convince clients that we do stuff they can't do themselves, and...

Why Microsoft Is One of the Most Profitable Companies in History

In a previous post, I defined commoditization. But what causes it? The answer to that question is...