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The Demand Creator Blog

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The Recipe for a Successful Sale

Spencer Johnson, in The One Minute Salesperson wrote:

It May Be Time To Short Wal-Mart

I’ve never visited a Wal-Mart. Never been inside the building. The closest I’ve been is when I...

Does Your Offering Need A Prescription?

Are Your Employees "Raving Fans?"

I had an interesting conversation this weekend about employee loyalty. There was a concern about...


What would you pay for a 4’ x 8’ sheet of plywood? According to Home Depot’s website, it’s $15.99.

Can You Build a $20 Million Company With No Employees

I recently met with a new client at Starbucks to discuss how Imagine Business Development may be...

What the Alcatel/Lucent Merger Means to Fast-Growth Businesses

Make no bones about it. Lucent’s decision to merge with Alcatel is the admittance of complete and...

Why People Aren't Visiting Your Web Site

Scott Heiferman (co-founder of Meetup.com) has a great post on why people aren't using your...

The One That Got Away

There are only two questions you need to answer to determine if your business will be successful:

Twenty Times?

I recently attended as program on marketing. One of the panelists distributed a copy of Thomas...