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The Demand Creator Blog

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Why Should A Prospect Talk to Your Company?

Why should a potential buyer spend time talking with your company? Take a moment and jot down your answer to this question – I’ll wait.

What is Possible?

Too often, we are limited by our own limiting beliefs; or by what the rest of the world says is...

Oompa Loompa’s and Fast Growth

Implementing an effective go-to-market strategy can be, and usually is, very frustrating....

Before You Go-To-Market, Be Sure The Market You’re Going To

As I see it, there are three kinds of markets – Growth, Mature and Declining. Here is how I define...

The Borat Buzz

The movie Borat won the box office this past weekend – showing on less than one-quarter the screens...

John Mellencamp is a Hypocrite

I used to be a huge John Mellencamp fan even when he was John Cougar and John Cougar Mellencamp....

Why The Financial Services Industry Is In Trouble

A client of mine, who happens to be a financial advisory firm, just got word that they’re...

Role Players, II

In my last post, I discussed that one of the main differentiators between a complex sale and other...

Role Players, I

Business to business (B2B) sales can be very complicated. There are lots of issues that impact a...

Sometimes It Just Takes Time

I was talking with one of my clients today. She runs a small business that is poised to grow. In an...