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The Demand Creator Blog

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To Attract The Right Prospects, Be Willing to Repel The Wrong Ones

I’ve just returned from a meeting with a group of other fast-growth entrepreneurs.

Rapid Prototyping

I was talking with a client of mine this morning about my comments about embracing mistakes. In my...

Want Fast Growth In 2007 - Don't Push For Too Much Too Soon

The beauty of a new year is that we all begin at zero and anything is possible. Our revenue goals...

Why Warren Buffet Is Wrong

A client company recently hired a new salesperson. She’s got a ton of talent and she is very...

The Wrong Question

I recently had a conversation about some marketing initiatives. As we were outlining our...

Developing A Compelling Brand Promise Teleconference

The key to building a great pipeline is great messaging. The foundation of a great message is in...

Objections To Gitomer Tactics

Jeffrey Gitomer’s recent column about handling objections demonstrates that traditional sales...

Let Salespeople Sell

Salespeople are among the highest paid people in any company. It is not unusual for a salesperson...

Who Cares?


Fast Growth for Wal Mart - Not

The Washington Post, among others, reports on Wal-Mart's recent announcment of a decrease in...