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The Demand Creator Blog

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Why Google Wins

I was working with a client today, discussing ways to monetize content on the web. He was talking about Google AdSense and other revenue generating techniques [full disclosure: I am an ‘affiliate’ of Amazon.com and people can buy books through Amazon on my site, after which I get paid]. These techniques have always seemed small and shortsighted to me.

Anna Nicole Smith & Commoditization

Walking through the airport in Indianapolis, I saw the news flashing across the televisions in the...

Congrats Colts - And Another Riff on Industrial-Age Media

Watching the Super Bowl served an illustration to a number of insights to the opportunities and...

Value Proposition Foundations

The central theme of any business is a value proposition, or promise, designed to solve important...

Want To Create Value? Change Your Focus!

I have two definitions of value that drive everything I do: The first is: You create value when you...

What American Airlines Can Teach Us

The airline industry is one of the most commoditized industries in the world. From a marketing...

Do You Know What Keeps Your Customers Up At Night?

How much time do you spend within your company talking about what the world looks through your...

Hertz - Not Exactly

I was recently on a business trip to Chicago to make a presentation. I am a member of Hertz’s #1...

Most Messages Are Meaningless

Last year, I presented a proposal to a prospect, who is now one of my favorite clients. The...

Putting Customers At The Center

Peter Drucker often talked about the fact that a customer is everyone's boss. Enlightened companies...