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CBS News & Commoditization

CBS gave Katie Couric more than $15 million per year to lure her away from The Today Show, in an effort to make a splash and get CBS Evening News out of the basement. Last week, CBS News announced they would be replacing her current executive produce, Rome Hartman, with Rick Kaplan. In summarizing the challenges evening newscasts have in attracting an audience, Kaplan said:

A Marketing Manual From Apple

A very interesting article in USA Today today: Apple Buffs Marketing Savvy to a High Shine. It's...

Listen to Proctor & Gamble

I have been preaching for quite some time that marketers need to stop focusing on their solutions,...

The Westin, Continental Airlines And How It's Still The Little Things That Count

When I travel on business, I stay at a Westin. When I fly, I’m more and more likely to choose...

Your Opinion

It always happens. We finish developing a company’s message, we’ve put together some of their...

Innovation And Commoditization

Lori Colman has an interesting post on B2BMarketingTrends. She writes that Innovation is the...

Corning, Wendell Weeks & Fast Growth

USA Today published an interview with Corning CEO, Wendell Weeks. It is truly a profound interview...

Whose Problem Are You Solving?

I'm in the midst of reading an excellent book, Made to Stick. The authors, Chip & Dan Heath, make a...

What's in a Name? Questioning Cingular's Switch to ATT

What’s in a name? When is it worth it to change a name? I was watching TV this evening and saw, for...

Would Your Company Make A Good TV Show?

Idea Sandbox has a great post about elevator speeches, and how television shows provide a great...