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The Future of America

Today's post has no direct tie to growth or business, except that those who are graduating from college today and in the future will determine what growth opportunities in the future. One of my favorite writers, Thomas Friedman of the New York Times, focuses on his thoughts as his daughter graduates from college. It is worth a read.

Dell's Hail Mary

Wow! The king of direct selling, the company that once proudly rejected retail distribution,...

Mental Accounting

Sunday’s Washington Post had an excellent story that focused on how people account for the monetary...

You Are More Than You Think You Are

Yesterday, I began working with a new client to map out their go-to-market strategy using what we...

Outside-In Equals Success

The new book Hidden In Plain Sight: How To Find And Execute Your Company's Next Big Growth Strategy...

Katie Couric, Brand Extensions, And Value Proposition Mistakes

While I admit that it is probably too early to determine whether the decision to hire Katie Couric...

Tipping Points

Recently, I sat down with a prospect who shared his growth plans with me. He laid out a couple of...

Introducing Davidoff's Law - The "Moore's Law" of Marketing

In 1965, Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel, made an observation that has driven the growth of the...

A Perfect Example of Gratuitous 'Service'

I’ve been traveling quite a bit recently and have been lucky enough to upgrade to first class on my...

The Commoditization of Microsoft

In the wake of Google’s announcement that they will buy Doubleclick for $3.1 billion dollars,...