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The Demand Creator Blog

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The Total Solution Ecosystem?

People do not want products or services – they want results. One of the biggest challenges businesses face in their go-to-market is how to identify and communicate the meaningful, compelling result they provide. The reasons companies face this problem are numerous, and I’ve written about many of them in previous articles, as well as on thefastgrowthblog.com. They range from a total lack of understanding of their customer to not having the confidence to make a compelling promise – and everything...

The Corporate Blogging Opportunity

I remember a story from early in my selling career. It went something like this:

Missed Opportunities - Again

As readers of this blog know, I recently went on vacation in St. John in the US Virgin Islands. I...

Announcing A New Blog - Third Wave Selling

Today we launched a new blog, dedicated to transforming the way companies and salespeople sell....

Another Lie

I've written a number of times about creating a great client experience and the need to respect...

Word of Mouth Marketing by Andy Sernovitz

Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking by Andy Sernovitz promises to give...

When a Rose Isn't a Rose

On a recent trip to Atlanta, I was offered my choice of snack on the flight. I’m in the midst of...

Is Your Website Worth Reading?

Despite the fact that it is more difficult than ever to get and keep people’s attention – the...

Give It Away

Many of you may be familiar with the television show, Jericho. Jericho was canceled recently, only...

WARNING: Your Want Ads Are Who You Are

I recently got an e-mail from a business associate of mine. Apparently, this person was doing a...