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The Demand Creator Blog

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The Trouble With Competition

The trouble with competitive analysis is that, often, the end result is that you define yourself by your competition - and that's a recipe for commoditization. Recently, I was at a business conference where a speaker was talking about "analyzing the competitive landscape." He talked of finding the "open spaces" where your competitors aren't.

What Is Radio Shack?

The holiday week's football came with more commercials than any person should have to endure. I...

Join The Imagine Team

We’re growing at Imagine. If you’re up to the challenge of taking on the world of “industrial...

Elements on Design

Ever since the iPod was introduced, everyday businesses began seeking the “holy grail” called...

What Your Clients Are Thinking About

I've always said that the most important thing that a business can do is to know more about its...


I’ve been working with a number of clients recently who have fully adopted my philosophy that the...

The Truth About Early Adopters

It should be no surprise that Apple's announcement to cut prices, and their corresponding...

The Fast Growth Blog Featured

Corridor Magazine just published an article about how companies are using blogging to communicate...

Thank You, Apple

I admit it - I bought the iPhone early. I paid $599 for the 8GB model. Yesterday, as I'm sure many...

The Cost of Free Customer Service

I had a follow up visit with one of my doctors today. My 2:30 appointment became a 3:30 appointment...