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The Demand Creator Blog

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Pardon Our Dust While We Complete Our Move

For those loyal readers, you may notice that the scenery has changed. For all new readers welcome.

The Critical Positioning Question

Do you want to merely provide a solution, or do you want to solve a problem?

Create Value & Create Demand

Value creation is a term that gets lots of lip service. But I've found that very few people...

But, I Like It

Early in my career, I made the fundamental mistake of creating a marketing brochure that I chose...

How Much Should I Spend On ... ?

One of the most frequent questions I get is how much should be spent on a marketing or sales...

Manufacturing Antiques

Early in my career, I received the warning – Beware of people who claim to manufacture antiques....

The Failure to Create Value Is - Well - Failure

While I don't enjoy the ride, I say good riddance to the vast array of companies of have gone out...

Narrow The Focus - Expand The Yield

Write A Book In A Weekend?

The hits keep coming. Recently I wrote about the bad idea called Salesconx that lets people put...

Improve Your Best Results With This Tip

I've been working with a number of clients who are all opportunistic. I like to consider myself as...