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The Demand Creator Blog

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WSSD – What Should Starbucks Do

I haven’t sparked as much conversation with a blog post or observation as I did with my recent post McStarbucks in quite some time. My employees, my friends, and my clients have all analyzed, taken issue with and empathized with the post. One client summed the feelings up best when he said, “Yeah, I guess I just don’t want to believe that [the points made in the post] because I’ve been such a fan [of Starbucks].”

A Little Perspective

Here's what I don't get - why are we giving the very same economists who completely missed this...

How Are You Talking?

Cessna has just launched a new advertising campaign - and I LOVE it. Cessna gets who their customer...

Amazon's Mistake

Last week, Amazon announced the new version of their e-book reader, The Kindle 2.0. They maintained...

Godin on Irrational Behavior

Seth Godin has a great insight as to why "people don't buy your offerings," check it out. Godin is...

The Center Of Your Universe

I’ve not written about one of my favorite subjects in a while – the customer experience. Today, I...

How To Make More Sales

I was having breakfast at a hotel this morning before a speech. A business/sales meeting was...

The Path of Least Resistance, Weight Loss & Corporate Growth

Robert Fritz, in his (great) book Path of Least Resistance: Learning to Become the Creative Force...


When all creativity is gone, when any new idea for value creation is lost, the answer appears -...

Conan O'Brien & Growth Lessons

I was recently working with a client discussing how to go about implementing a go-to-market plan...