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The Demand Creator Blog

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Why Brochures Kill Profits

I hear it all the time: “I just need a brochure that explains what we do better,” or “If we could just create a piece that gets people to see how we’re different,” or "Hey, let's mail our brochure to prospects and then they'll be more likely to meet with us." While I’m not (necessarily) against brochures or corporate collateral, the vast majority of them (like 95+%) are not only bad – they kill profits.

Time Warp

There is a very interesting difference in the urgency that exists in any buying/selling iteration....

What's Your Back Story

Two years ago, I asked if your company would make a good TV show. I was reminded of this post over...

Less Is More - Can Newsweek Do It?

I'm fascinated by what is taking place at Newsweek. Newsweek, whose circulation once stood at 3.1...

Beyond Certainty

I had a fascinating conversation with the CFO of one of our clients today. We were talking about...

And Now For A Presentation About ... Me

I’ve tried to be diplomatic. I’ve tried to be refined. Now let me be blunt.

Apple + Twitter = Mistake

Recent rumors have Apple in discussions to buy Twitter. If Steve Jobs is listening - STOP - DON'T...

Utilizing Online Tools to Drive Growth

Understanding the Difference Between Conditions and Barriers

Earlier this week, we were working with one of our client's sales reps to develop their sales...

Driving Sales With Content

When I talk about Creating Demand or Conquering Growth Barriers, one of the ‘ah-ha’ and...