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The Drought

On our recent webinar Making It Rain Even In A Drought, I focused on some of the key actions companies need to take to grow in any market conditions - even down markets. It's a process we call The Raindance. The first is to understand the market conditions you are in. The are three underlying conditions (a Perfect Storm if you will) that are creating the margin and growth pressures businesses are now facing - I call this The Drought. I thought I'd share an excerpt of the program with you.

It's Not Try; It's Let

Anyone who knows me knows that I love coaching my son's baseball team. Fall season started...

Are You Ready To Be Ridiculed

I've written a lot about change recently. I guest the reason for this is because of all the...

Tell Me A Story

I was struck by an excerpt from a Don Hewitt speech he gave talking about the success formula for...

Change My Company!!! (but don't change me)

Imagine Business Development operates on the front lines of change. Everyday, we work with small...

Are You "A Newspaper Business"?

You may be closer than you think. I’ve developed the term “A Newspaper Business” to describe any...

From Advertising to Influence

As more and more data supports the diminishing return of traditional advertising, businesses...


I pride myself on being an optimist. A long time ago I had a coach who told me that he could...

Making It Rain Even In A Drought

UPDATE: in less than 24 hours we've "sold out" the Making It Rain Even In A Drought webinar....

Why Culture Matters

Netflix is a darling. Their customers love them, and so does Wall Street. In the last five years,...