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The Demand Creator Blog

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Don't Lose Your Plot

In the height of NBC's success in the 1980s, their Thursday night lineup was commonly referred to as "Must See TV." While it kept that refrain for most of the 1990s, it slowly and surely lost its relevance, and now NBC is a virtual joke.

What Screenwriters Can Teach Business Executives

Anyone who knows me, or reads this blog, knows that I'm a big, BIG fan of story. I've always...

Disproportionate Rewards - The 10X Advantage

I've just created a new presentation that highlights what my company does. As I completed it, I...

Finding Demand Creators

Earlier this week, I wrote a post about The 5 Levels of Sales Excellence. It’s generated a lot of...

It's All About People

You can have the best strategy. I’ll even you give you the best tactics. But, if you want to...

Overpromise And Deliver

You show me a salesperson that doesn’t overpromise a little and I’ll show you a salesperson that’s...

Is Your Business Model Sustainable?

I'm just asking.

When Is It Time to Sell Your Company

I was speaking with a group of CEOs in Detroit today. The speaker before me had been discussing the...

Welcome To The New Times Square

I'm in New York City speaking to several groups of CEOs about creating demand. I love New York City...

The Idiocy of Market Research

I had a meeting yesterday with a prospect. The prospect made it clear that he didn’t think an...