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The Demand Creator Blog

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Winning Competitive Business

I don't typically get jealous of people. We all have our own stories, but I have to admit I'm jealous of Seth Godin. I've always admired his thinking - both in style and outcomes. Even more, I enjoy his witty way of communicating very complicated ideas in extraordinarily simple fashion.

Your Solution Is Not My Problem

Do you have a great solution?

Is It Time to Kill The Cold Call?

In my efforts to stay abreast of what is going on in the world outside my office, I follow the...

Health Care Reform & Fast Growth

With the passage of sweeping health care reform by the House yesterday, I got to wondering: what...

Recovery? Who Cares!

There’s been a lot of chatter in various circles about the economy - whether you’re watching the...

What Bach, Beethoven, Bruce Springsteen & Eminem Can Teach You About Growth

This post first appeared more than four years ago on this blog. Recently, I've had several...

Stop Closing

Look, I like Glenngary Glen Ross as much as anyone. And Alec Baldwin’s famous scene where he...

Let Them Taste It

Yesterday's Strategies Do Not Equal Tomorrow's Success

I met with the CEO of a small company in the Southeast recently who is really doing some...

Is It Time To Say Goodbye

Growth is disruptive. It requires change - all the time. There is nowhere that this is more true,...