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Leno & Lessons for Fast Growth

With the official announcement that NBC is killing the Jay Leno in prime time “experiment,” I’m reminded of the post I wrote questioning the decision and I can’t help but notice some important lessons we should all learn from it.

The Beginning of the End For Google?

Okay, I admit it – maybe that headline is a slight overstatement. Uhm, on the other hand, I’m not...

The 10 Most Popular Fast Growth Posts of 2009

2009 was a challenging year for many companies. It was one of the most rewarding for The Fast...

90-Day Snapshot

I posted this at the beginning of last year. This year I'm going to post it at the beginning of...

What's 2010 Worth To You?

What is 2010 going to be worth for you this year? Take a moment and figure it out. Don't cheat by...

Risking Mediocrity

I'm the guest blogger today on Find Your Nerve, a blog created by Steve McKee.

The Grinch Who Stole Value

At this time of year, while we are all in the midst of the season's greetings ritual, it is worth...

In Pursuit of The Home Run

We all want to be Babe Ruth (at least a little), who despite no longer holding the home run record,...

What League Are You Playing In?

As I was watching football this weekend, I saw an ad for Direct TV's LeaguePass package. In it, Ray...

Welcome Back AOL

Today marks the end of what has been called the worst corporate acquisition of all-time - AOL's...