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The Demand Creator Blog

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Draw A Line In The Sand

I just got a pre-release version of Rework by Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson (the founders of 37Signals). I'll provide a deeper review when I'm finished with the book, but suffice it to say, if you like to read a series of ditties describing a contrarian business philosophy that works, you'll want to read this book.

Where's The Story

Once a year, people sit down to watch television and they're (almost) as interested in the ads as...

The Only Thing Worse Than No Social Media Presence

I don’t spend much time pontificating on social media. I leave that to people like Gini Dietrich...

Breaking Through The Noise

Anyone who has worked with me knows that I'm a maniac for messaging. In today's world, where good...

Great Wine

If you follow me on Twitter, you know that I just got back from 10 days in Vancouver speaking with...

The Two Sales

As I've written before, the biggest challenge companies face in increasing their profitability, is...

Determining Price

Whenever people buy from you, they are buying two distinct components. First, they are buying the...

Switch – A Clear Path to Change

I deal with change on a constant basis. A large part of Imagine’s purpose is to guide companies and...

What Dogs Can Teach About Creating Demand

Over the holiday break, one of my friends put a picture of her dog on Facebook, with the caption,...

Effective Communication

I came across an interesting question (I can’t remember the source). The topic was listening and...