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The Demand Creator Blog

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Maybe Your Company Was Never As Big As You Thought It Was

When I was a financial advisor with Merrill Lynch, I was working with a couple who worked for Nextel. It was following the tech bubble burst of 2000/2001 and we were discussing diversifying their holdings to provide for their future. Their net worth at the time was roughly $2 million, down from a peak of about $3.7 million as a result of the depressed stock. They agreed with every recommendation, but added, “We want to wait for the stock to recover before we do this. I just can’t bring myself...

Teaching Business Acumen

Anyone who has heard me speak about the sales process knows that I’m crazy about the importance of...

Beware of Complacency

Back when I was a financial advisor, I was warned about “dead cat bounces” and “bear market...

Your Response Needed - NOW!

I’m grateful that I don’t rely on bid-oriented business. While several of our clients deal with...

Embrace Your Detractors

I always strive to practice what I preach. If I write about it or recommend it, I always ask...

The Only Difference That Matters

A friend of mine is a regional sales director for a Fortune 500 (soon to be 100) company. His boss...

Price is NOT the Reason!

Friday was a tough day for me. Lots and lots of conversation with selling organizations and I must...

Don't Have Time To Blog? Thanks!

Last night, I spoke to the Baltimore chapter of The American Marketing Association. The topic was...

Creating A Diagnostic Selling System

Think about your last five years in business. Ask yourself, what has the trend line in the...

Why A Focus on "Buy-In" Destroys Performance

Note to readers: This article appeared in our monthly newsletter The Demand Creator. It elicited...