2014 was an amazing year at Imagine. We added some great new staff, cemented our efforts in building lead generation and management systems, learned a tremendous amount, and had to opportunity to work very deeply with some great clients.
Content continued to play a particularly important role in our growth efforts. In October of 2013 we launched a brand new website, fully built on the HubSpot platform, and once again experienced the power of content to shape the conversation, build our presence, and generate more qualified leads than ever before.
It’s always fun to look back on the year and see what posts really hit the mark, and which ones didn’t. Here are the top five posts (judged by the number of unique reads for each post) in 2014:
2. Is It The Beginning (Or Middle) of The End for Apple: One of the rare negative Apple posts I’ve written. And, while Apple’s performance since the post indicates it may not be the end (and I LOVE my iPhone 6), I’ve noticed that I haven’t heard much about Apple’s efforts with IBM since.
As a bonus, this year I’d like to highlight the 5 most popular pieces of premium content (as measured by unique downloads) that we shared:
1. The Core B2B Sales Toolkit: We share three of the most powerful sales tools we use in our sales process and highlight how you can develop your own.
Have a great New Year!