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Stacy Bouchard

Previous marketing personnel.

Guide to Writing a Great Case Study

Effective inbound marketing programs require many types of content and a lot of it. The purpose of that content is to move your buyer personas further along in their buyer’s journey. Different types of content are more effective in certain phases of the journey than others. This chart from HubSpot defines the most effective types of content for each phase of the buyer’s journey.

Tips for Creating an Effective Keyword Strategy

SEO best practices seem to be changing everyday. With new Google algorithms being released on a...

5 Ways to Help B2B Marketers Increase Twitter Followers

One of the most popular social media platforms for B2B marketers at small to mid-size companies is...

Why B2B Marketers Should Consider Using Google+

Social media is a key component of any inbound marketing strategy. Knowing and understanding your...

Using LinkedIn to Promote Inbound Marketing Content

Social media is a difficult thing for many small-mid market B2B companies. As popular as social...

Attracting the RIGHT Website Traffic for Lead Generation

It’s time for the monthly sales and marketing meeting…you know the one…all attendees give an update...

How to Use Hashtags to Improve Inbound Marketing

For many small and mid-market B2B organizations, social media is still a bit of a mystery. Many...

How to Use Buyer Personas to Create Content

So, you understand the importance of creating buyer personas. They focus your efforts and enable...

6 Places to Find Inspiration for Your Next Blog Topic

Maintaining a successful B2B blog as part of your overall inbound marketing plan can be a...

5 Ways to Improve Email Click Through Rates

Let’s face it…everyone receives what seems like hundreds of emails everyday. It’s up to marketers...