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Stacy Bouchard

Previous marketing personnel.

Driving More Engagement May Be Easier Than You Think

In my role at Imagine Business Development, I am responsible for publishing posts to our blog and also promoting each post through social media. At least once a week, I am surprised by the engagement one post receives over another either through social media or our email campaigns. I have spent significant time trying to figure out why this happens. Sometimes it is very obvious. Let's face it...all posts are not created equal. However, sometimes the posts (either blog or social media) that have...

Tips for Creating B2B Premium Content

In today’s marketing world, content is king. According to Demand Metric, 90% of all B2B...

5 Areas to Consider When Building a B2B Email Lead Nurturing Campaign

In Doug’s last post, he talked about how lead nurturing is a critical part of the inbound marketing...

6 Tips for Creating CTAs that Convert

At the beginning of every month at Imagine Business Development, we review our clients and our own...

Content Creation Tip: Make Existing Content New Again

Over the weekend, we decided it was time to tackle some of our summer yard projects that we had...

6 Ingredients for Blog Posts that Drive Traffic

Blogging can reap huge benefits for B2B organizations. For example, according to HubSpot, companies...

Using Video to Generate B2B Leads

Did you know that 6 billion hours of video are watched every month on YouTube? Six. Billion. Hours....

Getting Started with A/B Testing

One of the things I love most about inbound marketing is the ability to gather data and analyze...

4 Ways to Improve B2B Website Conversion Rates

Over the last several years, the buyer’s journey has changed. The internet has given buyers the...

How to Build the Top of the Inbound Marketing Funnel

Lead generation is a primary goal of every inbound marketing program and that journey begins at the...