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Stacy Bouchard

Previous marketing personnel.

Yearly Planning is a Waste of Time

Q4 is here. For many organizations that means taking a look at where they’ve been and where they’re going in the next calendar year. Planning becomes a priority for every department. Everyone is busy reviewing and assessing information to help point them in a direction for the new year. Marketing and sales departments are a big part of this process. After all, they drive revenue and if they aren’t being as effective as possible, it’s time for a new plan, right? But is extensive yearly planning...

Beware of Social Media Best Practices - Analyze YOUR Audience

I find social media fascinating. There are so many ways to analyze what happens after you publish a...

Is Your Lead Generation Approach Really a Lead Generation Approach?

Earlier this month, I had an interesting conversation with a friend and colleague about lead...

Message to Marketing: Show Them You're More than Arts and Crafts

As a marketer, have you ever heard you or your department referred to as “arts and crafts” by...

Four Areas to Agree On Before A Website Redesign

Earlier this month, I wrote a post to help marketers who are in the midst of a website redesign....

Five Musts When Redesigning Your B2B Website

For fun, the next time you’re with a group of marketers, entrepreneurs or executives ask them, “How...

How to Approach the Sales and Marketing Divide

Last week, I was meeting with some marketing colleagues who recently joined a new company. When...

How to Write a Compounding Blog Post

Blogging is an important part of any inbound marketing strategy. Publishing valuable posts for our...

How to Get Started with B2B Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing seems to be all the rage these days. Every day I receive at least one post,...

Create More Effective Content by Using a Content Map

Over the last month, we have written several posts about content. In Doug’s post, Five Questions to...