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Stacy Bouchard

Previous marketing personnel.

27 Reasons You Should Ignore Buyer Personas

Recently, I’ve seen an increase in the number of blog posts about buyer personas and the reasons not to spend time creating them. Some authors argue that going through the exercise of creating them yields little benefit. After all, they argue, who knows their customers better than small business owners themselves. The process and exercise of clearly defining their target audience just frustrates them and does not help them develop content that will attract their prospects. Others are less harsh...

STOP: Don't Buy That Marketing Technology Until You Read These 4 Tips

Every day…literally, every day…I learn about a new marketing app, platform or technology. It’s hard...

Have Your Buyer Personas Wilted? 5 Tips to Keep Them Alive

B2B marketers are busy people. Juggling all of the day-to-day tasks with the long-term projects is...

4 Inbound Marketing Lessons from My Favorite Holiday Movies

I think this week is my favorite week of the year. The holidays are just around the corner but the...

Eight Ways to Grow Your List of Blog Subscribers

So you made the decision to start a blog for your business. Congratulations! Business blogging is a...

Does Your Company Need a Sales and Marketing SLA? YES!

Sales and marketing are part of the same team within an organization. Both have responsibilities...

Five Tips for Working with Freelancers

In today’s content-driven world, keeping up with content creation can be a significant challenge...

7 Metrics Inbound Marketers Must Track to Ensure Growth

Measuring the success or failure of marketing tactics has always been a challenge for marketers and...

31 Stats That Prove Inbound Marketing and Sales Development are Worth the Effort

In this blog, we talk a lot about inbound marketing and sales development. We believe firmly that...

Keywords Are Dead, Right?

Remember when keyword stuffing was a thing? Marketers filled their web pages with the keywords they...