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Stacy Bouchard

Previous marketing personnel.

7 Reasons Your B2B Social Media Approach Isn't Driving Results

One of the tools in all inbound marketers toolkits is social media. Falls right into the attract phase of the methodology. All you need to do is identify the social media platforms your prospects are using, create your company pages and go. Promote the content that you have created specifically for your target audience and they will like it, share it and engage with it. Sounds easy enough, right? As it turns out, it’s not that easy. There’s a lot more to an effective social media approach than...

5 Tips for Writing B2B Marketing Copy that Converts

While the term “content marketing” is still relatively new, the concept really isn’t. Since the...

4 Tips to Go from Traditional Marketer to Demand Generation Super Hero

If you’re like me, you’ve spent the majority of your career to date as a “traditional” marketer....

3 Things B2B Marketers Can Learn from Pokemon Go

So on Sunday, my son asked me to take him to a park that he hasn’t been to since he went there on a...

3 Tips to Get Your Prospects to Love Your Content as Much as 4th of July Fireworks

If you’re like me, you had the opportunity to take in at least one 4th of July fireworks show over...

The 6 Marketing Metrics Your CEO Cares About (Even if They Don't Know It)

Wow…there are a lot of things marketers can measure these days. For years, it was difficult to...

3 Ways Marketing Influences the Success of the Sales Team

As a marketer, have you ever been in a meeting where someone (usually a salesperson) asks what is...

Help! I'm a Marketer Not an IT Expert

Captain’s log, stardate 69926.6 It appears our small B2B marketing team has been brainwashed. I...

Confessions of a Traditional Marketer Turned Inbound Marketer

Confessions. Dirty secrets. White lies. Sounds juicy, right? But totally not applicable to inbound...

11 Sales Books All Marketers Should Read

Last summer, I wrote a post about how to close the divide that exists between sales and marketing....