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Stacy Bouchard

Previous marketing personnel.

Six Tools to help the Non-Designer Create Impactful Images

Throughout my career, there have been many situations where I wished I were a graphic designer or that I had one who was just sitting around waiting for me to make requests that they could design quickly and for free! So far, my fairy godmother has not granted that wish…either one. Marketers feel the pressure everyday to include impactful images in everything we do. Did you know that 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual?

Struggling With Content Marketing? Here Are 7 Ways to Make It Easier

Let’s not kid ourselves – creating relevant, compelling content is hard work. Many B2B blogs have...

Three Steps to Help You Get Started with Content Marketing

So you’ve decided to take an inbound marketing approach. There are a lot of components to an...

Why a Traditional Marketer Fell in Love with Inbound Marketing

Today's post comes from Imagine's newest team member. Stacy Bouchard joins us with more than 20...