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Lift Enablement

Lift Enablement exists to help companies achieve faster, more purposeful, predictable, sustainable, and profitable growth. We believe that business process must drive the technology - the technology should never dictate the business process. We take pride in what we do, and we play to win. Our team comes from a wide variety of industries and experiences that allow us to bring effective solutions to the most complex of situations.

How to Get Access To Any Decision Maker

One of the consequences of the economic downturn, and the reductions in workforce over the last several years is a greater gap between executives with the authority and the people who are responsible for implementing and overseeing solutions. When I work with salespeople, the most common challenge they have is getting access to authority. To get the access you desire, the first, most important thing you must do is to have something worth talking about.

Insurance Companies Prove Problem With Most Marketing Approaches

The comedic approach taken by a number of insurance companies is not working, according to USA...