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Jess Cardenas

As Lift's Chief of Staff, Jess is responsible for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of Lift's sales development programs and aligning these programs with marketing. Jess strives to continually develop and improve processes that enhance growth for her clients' businesses.

A Roundup: The 6 Best Episodes of The RevOps Show

Ah, the harbingers of Fall—a slight nip in the air, back-to-school pics, and Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Whether you think PSLs are disgusting or delicious (I fall into the latter camp), the fact that Home Depot has already rolled out its Halloween decorations means that Autumn is right around the corner. As we dust the sand off our flip-flops and bid farewell to summer, it’s the perfect time for reflections, round-ups, and revisits. So we’re taking six weeks to share the Best of The RevOps Show....

9 Ways to Derail Your Data Migration

Data migrations are never as straightforward as you think they’ll be. I should know—I’ve partnered...

The Top 7 Data Migration Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them)

A lot of clients come to us asking for a “clean database.” After all, whether you’re migrating over...

Organizing Your Data Junk Drawer

It’s a problem everyone with a CRM has run into: you’re looking at a contact (or company, or...

5 Mistakes Made When Implementing HubSpot

Have you ever tried to help someone with directions who has a hard time speaking your own language?...